Just received word...the COUNTRY LIVING FAIR IS ON!! The dates are September 18, 19, and 20th 2009 at the Ohio Village in Columbus, Ohio!!!
YEAH!! It was looking a little sketchy there for a couple of months. With Nancy Soriano leaving the helm of CL and a brand new editor in charge our previous confirmations became "unconfirmed". But all is well now! New editor-in-chief Sara Gray Miller must know we mid-westerners need a show of this quality and decided to keep it here. THANK YOU SARA AND CL TEAM!! Hopefully, this year we won't all feel like Dorothy and the Tin Man in the middle of Kansas! (Wondering what this means? See my blog posts from September 2008.)
Mark your calendars! Save your nickles! See you there! In the meantime check out this 1920's farmhouse in Fredericksburg, Texas. Love the quail eggs and they just arrived at urban farmhouse!
I'm so glad you posted this..I'm only an hour away and have never been.
I'm really looking forward to it! I wanted to go last year and couldn't. I lived right outside of Columbus then, but I still live within an hour and a half, so I'll be there this year for sure :)
I loved that home too. Absolutely gorgeous!
now way, not me.
not again.
I wish I could go! I heard it's awesome! Jen
A newbie to Texas (3 years), I have been to Fredricksburg once and OMG!!! Loved it!!!
Coming from Southern CA, it was right up my alley with the shops. And because it is a German town, my heritage of Polish fit right in with the food they served. It is a Cottage/Farm/Shabby Chic town of shops with German food! Whoever, can, must go!
Just got the word about the Country Living Fair- it's the same weekend as the September Extravaganza at the Clark County Fairgrounds in Springfield- It will be a huge weekend in Central Ohio in September. Can't wait.
My friend and I attended last year and really had a nice time. It wasn't until we looke back at our photos did we realize all the cool things we saw!
That is where I learned about your business and came to enjoy your style so much. Looking forward to another year.!!
I am laughing so hard right now just remembering last year. I will NEVER do an outdoor show again. Good luck!:-)
Pumped! Cannot wait for this event! Loved it last year. So did my sister and two grown daughters. It was wonderful!
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