Just in time for the upcoming holiday, tinsel and paper Happy 4th garlands, we also have piles of 8 foot red, white and blue grommeted cotton banners for porches.
A year round favorite at urban farmhouse, birch bark folds with test tube vases. This week they are blooming with snap dragons.
Gorgeous McCoy pottery
Starfish strands piled in bowls and hanging from porch columns, metal topped work table, another urban farmhouse favorite.
Adorable vintage folk art church
LOVE these! Unusual vintage toys, perfect paint colors.
How cute is this? Vintage juicer for citrus fruit. Juice a fresh orange right into the mug, remove the sweet little guy and you're all set.
Vintage scale, we love scales at urban farmhouse, especially the miniature ones, they truly look like lilliputian works of industrial art.
Vintage graining tool and dated brass pins.
vintage lace and the last of my collection of old millinery pins

For the antique/industrial urbanite...I have two of these. Do you know what they are? It's an antique wallpaper cylinder, circa 1840's, this one has been turned into a lamp. On the
National Park Service website I found the following information about historic wallpaper making: "In the 1840's a significant commercial impact of machines on wallpaper printing occurred. Steam-powered machines were developed with efficient systems for feeding color to cylinders that printed from
raised, rather than engraved surfaces, employing the conventional principle of the woodblock. The standard cylinder had a wooden core with the raised printing surfaces, formed by strips of brass which were tapped into the wood core and made cloisonne-like raised outlines of shapes. Inside of these little walls, felt was tightly stuffed to carry the colors for the solid areas of patterning (figure 9). Details such as lines and dots were printed by appropriately shaped brass pieces. The cylinders were placed on a machine that had at its core a large revolving drum, or giant cylinder, upon which the blank paper rode while it engaged in sequence a series of the smaller cylinders, each of which had a raised surface to print one color of the pattern. Each printing cylinder was coated with its individual coloring by a roller fed belt from a trough that held the appropriate color."

A beachy terrarium with an oversized battery pillar candle complete with a remote control and timer setting. Now you CAN have a candle lit under glass.
One of two vintage handmade martin houses in the store, I love the color on this one.
An assortment of vintage brass tags and prize ribbons. We always have the most unusual collection of vintage smalls at urban farmhouse and a lot of them can be found in Lisa Marton's space (friend, colleague, pottery guru and the only person I rent space to in my store). You can follow her on Facebook at
Collected Over Time.

Summertime requires special candles (no, not citronella ones although I could use a semi truck full of those at my house) and I chose these this year because of their down home, southern charm goodness. I've said it before, I'm a marketer's dream customer...I'm a sucker for product with good packaging, I'm a visual person to the core. Can't talk a lick about politics but I can tell you when something is visually "right and pleasing to the eye", what that unique talent is good for I'm not sure yet :-). This was one of "those" products for me on several levels. First visually; a simple, clean vintage look jelly jar wrapped in woven willow, topped off with crinkly brown paper and tied up 'all purty like' with a piece of twine. Then nostalgically; the names, THE NAMES! They had me at the first one but then they kept coming...Sweet Tea...Back Porch...Gladys' Kitchen...Front Porch...Southern Charm just to name a few. Then...the true test, burning them. They are a dream! The fragrances perfectly capture summer moments and I promise you'll enjoy each of them. Why...they're finer than frogs hair! Buy online
here or in store.

Just a little nautical splash. More solar luminary lids for your vintage jars arrive this week. Grab yours before the 4th of July! Buy
online here or in store.
Here is a set of our fillable candle jars. Customize yours with your children's collection of shells, sea glass, photos, etc. I filled these three with vintage glass bead garland in a patriotic palette of red, silver and blue. From my Christmas goods I pulled out some foil covered paper pulp stars to scatter around as well.
Love this color combination.
What are you doing to kick up your heels with your home? Please leave me a post below or share with me on
Facebook. Look for me as "
urban farmhouse Ohio".
As always...thank you for your continued support!!
Lots more coming in this week...summer hours Thursdays through Saturdays 10am-4pm.