I am currently working on updating a cupboard at the shop and thought I would share it with you and even ask for your ideas and input. As you can see the cupboard is very rough and primitive. While it appealed to a few of our men customers most women have not given it a second look, so I did.

I decided it needs a huge update and started thinking about what I could do. I remembered a box of 1930's sheet music I had in the basement and knew the inside would look beautiful papered with the "tattered and tarnished" sheets. Here are a few pictures of the process. On the outside I am thinking of maybe trimming out the top and bottom, changing up the hardware and most certainly a coat of paint.

So what do you think...what would you suggest? Just please...no Mimosa. It might be Pantone's Colour of the Year for 2009 but it's a little too full of energy for me. Although, maybe that's just what I need? More energy?
I would LOVE to hear your suggestions by clicking on the "# comments" below. Check back for the "After"!
In response to where the inspiration came for this project, lots of places. Haven't we all been repurposing (now it's the green way!) artfully for years. The walls in the bathroom in the house I was raised in were covered with "newspaper" wallpaper. In first grade my mom and I "Modge Podged" wooden boxes with paper cut outs. Hers was barn shaped with animals and mine was cadet blue with a mouse and lady bugs. She attached handles and voila, purses! When my now 15 year old son was 7 he was very into maps. I used some of my vintage National Geographic maps to makeover his dresser (again with Modge Podge), very beachy and coastal looking. Last year I covered a vintage dress form with torn and twisted pieces of brown paper bags from Kroger to form a "trashy" bustier.

Sometimes I get bored with the plain white walls behind the built-in shelves in the shop and we have applied similar treatments using fabric, vintage sheet music, vintage botany images, etc. My husband's grandparents encased one entire room with their National Geographic map (one came in each monthly issue), and when I say encased...I mean it. All five walls! Fifth wall = ceiling!! In the winter 2009 issue of
Artful Blogging ephemera is everywhere as are vintage fabrics. It would be really cute to cover some shelves with hand woven vintage linens. So I guess my inspiration comes from my life and the creative people I am blessed to be related to.