1 bottle watermelon schnapps
1 industrial prep table to create your tinis with "urban-ness"
2 cups cranberry juice
1 vintage retro martini shaker to "shake things up a bit"
4 thinly sliced jalepenos, can you say fireworks?
a big, beautiful glass serving pitcher
8 sliced lemons
1 1/2 bottles tequila (again, please enjoy responsibly)
1 cup Blue Curacao
2 cups simple syrup
watermelon wedge for garnish
1 bag of ice
one tree filled with hanging candle lanterns
1 farm table (for a dash or "farmhouse-ness) filled with close friends
Light the candle lanterns to get the atmosphere going.
Fill your big, beautiful pitcher with ice, top with schnapps and cranberry juice.
Fill vintage highball glasses halfway with the schnapps mixture.
Muddle jalepeno pepper, lemon slices, tequila, Blue Curacao and simple syrup in your vintage retro martini shaker.
Slowly strain mixture from your shaker into the glass over the red layer. Garnish with watermelon wedge.
Serve your adoring guests under the twinkling lights (then sneak off and raid their purses and jackets for their car keys (for you are the Key Master my friend)! name that movie
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