The window on the left was to be quick and easy...uh...not so. First, a world had to be made out of chicken wire. My hands were sore for days! I finally gave up on the perfect sphere so pardon the lumpiness if you spot any. Then hundreds and hundreds of squares of bright green and blue tissue paper had to be cut and stuffed into each hole. The first size I cut was too small and I had to start over with larger squares. I worked on this at home until it was about 2/3 covered before moving it to the store (which meant "squishing" it through the front door of my house). After I had it hung in place in the window my mom and I finished the sides and top with tissue. Then I laid underneath it to fill in Antarctica. In came the strands of peace doves complete with olive branches (an on going theme for 2009, starfish on a strand, bats on a strand, etc.), tufts of blue sky floating underneath and a banner to complete the "Peace on Earth" message.
Now for the window on the right, the fairy window. As you can see I completely broke away from the all white windows this year. While I love them for all their elegance and show stopping beauty I wanted something different...change is good! So the blue and green color combo evolved. Back to my tight budget comment...everything in this window is either borrowed (fairies, live ferns and peacock sprays) or for sale in the shop (tinsel tree, birch candles, vintage feather tree ornaments, vintage glass bead garland, tinsel spools, life size owls, redbirds, lichen branches, rock candles the two seated fairies are sitting on, snowflake ornaments). The only items I purchased specifically for this window were moss, fishing line, brown paint and a graining tool to make the inside of the tree, which is cardboard. This window took about 7 hours to pull together. I probably could have done it in less time but it was so fun to keep adding little touches to be "discovered". Hidden nests, branches making the perimeter, real quail eggs, flickering birch candles to hint at tiny fires keeping the fairies warm, and a favorite vintage mushroom ornament growing out of the moss. Do you see it? If you live nearby, please feel free to bring your children, grandchildren, neices and nephews over to see it. The lights are on at night too and it's especially magical to see then. I do hope you enjoy it!!
Hey...guys...come look inside this tree! Do you see what I see? Are those fairies?
Oh, your windows look SPECTACULAR! Wow. Can't wait to come & see them for myself :)
Your post brought back many happy memories of downtown Lazarus too! The Talking Tree...I could've spent hours with him :)
Happy holidays!
Your window is so enchanting! And to see it through the eyes of a child, you would have to pull me away. I love it, very original!
Hi Lisa....Love your windows! I know how you feel about Lazarus's downtown holiday windows and now it is like recreating them! My dad worked at downtown Lazarus for 45 years so I am especially nostalgic about that. I have to get in to your store this holiday season! Hope to see you soon!~Patti
LoVe the BiRdS!*!*! YOU are soooo creative!!! I am soooo enjoying your blog ~ thanks for sharing... See you on our yearly "May Trip"... Jeanine, CHiPPy!-SHaBBy!
really great! enchanted it!
Nice job! I remember when i was a kid my folks would drive thru neighborhoods viewing all the holiday decorations. I miss that....anyway thanks so much for sharing!
I love it!! Both windows are so creative & "out of the box"!!!
Wish I could see them in person!!
Hope you have a wonderful, successful holiday season!
That last photo says it all. Someday a little girl all grown up is going to remember your windows and want to replicate them as well. Your hard work and vision shines through!
I am flying home to Thornville December 4 and bringing an extra suitcase for everything i must have from your store!! So excited!
Dear daughter,
I am so proud of you and your creativity. Those trips to the Lazarus window every holiday season really made lasting impressions on your mind. The last pic reminds me of you as a little girl and Debbie is right, she will some day may be just like you.
Love You Dad
the picture of the little girl looking at it makes it all worth while, doesn't it? Kudos to you for your wonderful, creative, thoughftul windows...
They look wonderful!
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