Just wanted to quickly share this 'before and after' with you. Pictured above is a huge soapstone sink I had sitting in my backyard for close to a year. I had every intention of doing something with it but just didn't know what or where. Rather than letting it sit there much longer I sold it to my friend Rusty. I think it sat at his house for several more months. He had an awesome plan for it in a mudroom with lots of windows, industrial hanging pendant lamps, wire baskets, etc. But we all fall victim to that lengthy list of projects and some of them get 'ixnayed' so that other ideas may take flight. So Rusty sold the sink to our mutual friend Page.
Last Saturday night, while attending an outdoor Halloween party at Page's farm, I needed to powder my nose. Page has a number of old outbuildings that she has artfully renovated into new spaces and so I headed for the closest one, if I remember right this one used to be the milking house...not sure. I nearly gasped out loud when I walked in to the bathroom. There it was, that big, beautiful old sink with new life breathed into it. Stunning. This gorgeous bathroom also has an old cupboard nestled perfectly into an alcove (which I failed to get a picture of). Isn't the sink just gorgeous?

Sorry about the quality of the picture, never dreamed I would be at a party snapping a picture in the bathroom so I only had my phone. But I just had to share this with you all! After I left the room I promptly returned, dragging my husband back to show him...he's just happy he doesn't have to weed whip around it anymore.
Here are some random photos I took of Page's place last year, enjoy!