I would be remiss if I did not mention and thank everyone who helped pull off our weekend at the CL Fair. All of them are truly angels in their own right and I am more than blessed to have them as family and friends.

Seen here is Kimberly, a kindred spirit on many levels, who graciously volunteered her truck, her trailer AND her time for the entire five days. Thanks also to her husband and beautiful girls for giving her up to me for so long. Thank you all! I owe you some mucking time!

This is Lisa Marton, one of two selected to sell her fabulous finds at urban farmhouse. If you want the unusual, rare, funky, amazing finds you better be at the store weekly to check out her one of a kind finds. I am not kidding when I tell you most of her truly phenomenal finds last 1-2 days at the store before they are snatched up. Just last week she brought in a vintage round, copper birdcage with an aged and bleached wood crown cap. It was snatched up within hours of it's arrival. Lisa is also the one that snaps me out of my myopic display mode to say "Hello?? Anyone home? Do you realize the VP for Brand Development of Hearst Publishing is trying to buy something and you told her no credit cards?" sigh...

The one picture I was able to snap of the talented and generous artist Pat Warthen. Honest to goodness I think Pat knows every 3rd person that comes along. As most of you already know she is an amazing painter and an even more amazing person, giving of her time to just about everyone she knows. Thank you Pat for helping keep my sugar up with the cookies!

My mom, Connie, on the right. God bless her she was with me from the first tent design convo until the last box was loaded on a trailer to come home. As much fun as it is it's also sooooooo much work. My mom hung in there for the whole ride and then some. Couldn't do it without her. Thanks to Dad too for taking us out to eat every night! One of my favorite parts of the whole weekend! Spending time with my parents at

Kimberly hard at work again.

My AMAZING husband with the patience of Job. Perry wears a lot of hats with me and my venture; business coach & advisor, accountant & financial planner, and then the not so fun lifting, delivering, moving, painting etc. Can't thank you enough. Thanks also to Jethro One (Zane) and Jethro Two (Zach) for loading and unloading the trailers. I know at 18 and 15 there are other things you would rather be doing than helping ol' mom. Thanks for smiling and laughing while you did it.

Just for fun here's a picture of the shop on Monday after the show...show...show...(hear the echo?)
Lots of others to thank too; My in-laws, Toni at Schubert Nursery, Comptoir de Famille, Debbi and Rusty for uncovering some amazing finds, Mr. Ridenour for the flatbed trailer and tent arrangements.
ROFL at "Jethro One and Jethro Two"! Too funny! It really IS a massive amount of work, you sure do find out who your friends are, eh?
Loved every minute of the time I spent with you and Lisa, Pat, and Kimberly.
I didn't realize you lived so close to me! I nearly pass your shop on my way from Logan to visit my Mom in Zanesville. I'm going to see her tomorrow (Saturday) and will stop by your shop on my way. Whoo-hoo! Can't wait.......
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